Simple to use, all inclusive, no connection needed--your
all-in-one guide to fishing in Montana!
- Fishing in Montana this year just got a whole lot easier thanks to MONTANA FISHING!
- Every Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (MFWP) fishing access site and campground is shown! Forest
Service and BLM sites also highlighted!
- Provides information critical to fishermen, including river and lake access points, plus shuttle services and fishing shops near
where you plan to fish and more!
- MONTANA FISHING links fishermen to every USGS river gauging station in the state, making critical flow and
temperature data available at the user’s fingertips!
- Provides the full set of Montana fishing regulations, as well as dates of MFWP stocking activities,
including the size and number of fish stocked!
- No WiFi or cellular connection needed to use MONTANA FISHING! Why? Because fishing in our state
often means being on the water, in wild country, with the nearest cellular (much less WiFi) service 3 counties away.
So almost every aspect* of Montana Fishing works regardless if the nearest cell tower is 3 counties away.
(*with a single exception--only looking at real-time USGS stream flow data requires connectivity).
- No separate map purchase required, nor do you need to download maps before you go! Boundaries
for public and private lands shown. App is fully interactive and works with the smart phone’s GPS. Fishermen simply open
the app and zoom to their current location. That makes finding stream, lake, or river access points
simple, as is panning around to decide where to head next. Change your mind at the last
moment? Doesn't matter, it's all here in the app!
- Highly intuitive—We want you to spend your time fishing, not learning how to use our app!
- Click for downloadable press release!
- Available on iOS & Android--just click!
Check out this short video summary of MONTANA FISHING
Simple steps for using MONTANA FISHING
A state-wide look
Arranged by MFWP's 7 regions -- just pick one, plus the info you want and go!
Select your background map
In the top left corner choose the type backdrop map you prefer: shaded-relief or Google Earth.
Zoom to your area of interest
Tap to find your current location, or pinch/zoom or pan to
explore areas where you might want to fish.
Get in-depth fishing info!
Tap icons to find USGS water temps and flow rates, MFWP fish stocking records, and more!
Press Reviews

--DISTINCTLY MONTANA (Fall 2017; page 20)
* Fishing access locations mapped statewide, prepared by Katie Gibson & Scott Bischke
* Water flow rate and temperatures
* Fishing shops tagged and shuttle availability
* Boundary map for public and private lands
* Fishing regulations and current stocking activity
* 360 back country lakes
designed to work offline except for real-time USGGS stream flow data. No time to
waste when fishing.
Product Review: MT Fishing App
--OUTSIDE BOZEMAN (by Chris McCarthy; Aug 2017)
It’s not often that I don’t have my fishing gear with me, which can lead to me looking
longingly at a nice little stream, wondering where I can legally access it. MountainWorks Software has eliminated
that problem with the release of the Montana Fishing App. The amount of information available at one's
fingertips is staggering: all Montana State Fishing Access Sites, FWP regulations, other fishing access
sites (such as BLM or National Forest), shuttle services in the area, CFS and water temperature, fly shops,
and even fish-stocking information for the lakes. All of this info has been readily available online;
one just had to visit several sites to cultivate it all. Now I open the app, click the region I’m in,
and it’s all right there—plus I can do it while looking at the stream I want to fish. A lot of the
information is available even when I don’t have cell-phone coverage or WiFi. Available for $5 for
both Android and Apple users.
-- BILLINGS GAZETTE (by Brett French; May 28, 2017)
Some of us are just too darned “connected” these days, tied to our jobs even on weekends, holidays
and vacations by cellphones — those mini computers that give us easy access to Facebook, text and email in addition to phone calls.
So it’s kind of cool when your phone can unchain you a bit, set us outdoor-types free with information about
an area where maybe those pesky text messages, emails and phone calls won’t intrude.
That wasn’t the goal of Katie Gibson and Scott Bischke, a dynamic Bozeman outdoors couple, when they collaborated
to create their new app called “Montana Fishing,” but I’m willing to overlook that oversight. Yet their
knowledge of limited backcountry cell service in Montana is evident in the fact that most of the app’s
information is accessible without a cell signal or Wi-Fi connection.
Contained in the app, which at $4.99 costs less than most hamburgers these days, is a boatload
of information like: U.S. Geological Survey streamflows and water temperatures; all of the fishing
access sites in Montana; links to businesses that can shuttle your car if you’re canoeing or rafting;
the nearest fly or bait shop; fishing regulations; the closest campgrounds to fishing spots and boat
launches; the types of fish in the water; and, on lakes, the stocking schedules. Much of the information
interfaces with Google Maps, allowing the user to quickly acquire directions, as well....
[read more]
< -- The article above also appeared in
-- BOZEMAN DAILY CHRONICLE (by Rolf Tengden; May 25, 2017)
A husband and wife team who own MountainWorks Software in Bozeman have created an app to help anglers across the state find
a place to fish or a fishing shop near them.
Many mapping apps have trouble in the wilderness thanks to spotty internet access, owners Scott Bischke and Katie
Gibson said. Their app, called Montana Fishing, overcomes that problem by making all its maps useable offline.
“We wanted everything to be downloaded on the first install,” Bischke said. “When you’re up in the
mountains, it feels liberating to know that you don’t have to be connected to the internet to get what you need to know.”
Offline, the app provides information ranging from the average length of the most common
fish in a fishing spot to the sterility of the water. While online, the app can give you updates on the water temperature and flow speed....
[read more]
< -- The article above was also highlighted on the website of the
-- FLATHEAD BEACON (by Tristan Scott; May 30, 2017)
With summer upon us, residents of the Flathead Valley are beginning to pursue their outdoor
adventures in earnest, and while our Thoreauvian instincts tempt us to shuck off the constraints
of technology, don’t underestimate the power of technology in the woods. A suite
of handy apps for your smartphones and devices can help with navigation, identifying birds
or flowers, checking stream flows, and enjoying the star-scape. Here are a few we recommend.
* MONTANA FISHING (iOS, Android, $4.99) *
Fishing in Montana this year just got a whole lot easier thanks to a new smartphone
app called Montana Fishing, although that’s not to say it will improve your catching.
Still, the app, released by Bozeman-based MountainWorks Software, gives anglers critical
information about fishing access locations, flow rates and stream temperatures, the
types of fish that abound in a particular river and how to identify them, figures
about whether the flows have changed significantly, as well as info about nearby
fishing shops and shuttle services.
The app offers anglers an intuitive, easy-to-use, all-in-one, no-connection-needed guide to fishing in Montana....
[read more]
Watch for other MountainWorks Mobile Apps coming soon!
We are in various development stages for several more exciting new apps for iOS and
Android. STAY TUNED!!